Friday, October 28, 2011

Why Blog?

Lisa... I hope you are reading this!!! You asked me "who are your writing to?" and why are you writing? So, I thought about it.. why blog? it's such an easy way to get your thoughts down in writing and what I've realized is that you really won't remember exactly how you felt at the time you are experiencing things in your life. Of course you have memories.. you have stories.. but what fades away is the emotion, the timing of it all during that window in your life. Thoughts and memories become more important when we capture them and share them. I have journals from when I was very young - starting at 12... I journaled when I was first married and I journaled when I had Christopher and Catherine.. when I read some of the writing- I can hardly believe it was me. It immediately takes me back in time. It's amazing how much we grow and then how much we stay the same. Catherine and I have started a journal where I write to her and then she writes back to me. I get completely different thoughts from her when she writes to me. Somehow, the writing is more honest and more complete.

I know that years from now, I will look back at these blog entries and laugh and cry and wish I could go back in time. These are the years I never want to leave ... and I know that they will go by much too quickly.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Me & My Girl Conference - Vicki Courtney

Last weekend Cat and I went to a Mother/Daughter day with Vickey Courtney. She talked about the road between now "tweens" and  the teenage years and what kinds of challenges the world has in store for us. My prayer is to slow down and not be so busy that I miss the little things and to trust God to guide me and give me the wisdom I need during this next chapter in our life. My sweet girl is growing so fast ~ at 10 - she's almost as tall as me and she's wearing my shoes... but we still have a little window of time before puberty kicks in. She loves to play...all the time...  dress up in my closet with shoes and hats and scarves or up with her babies.. and she'll watch Parent Trap or PollyAnna or Anne of Green Gables all day if I let her. So - of course I want to freeze time and keep my precious girl safe and sweet and curious and playful.

It's such a different time than when I was her age. I grew up in the neighborhood - playing till the street light came on... My parents knew all the neighbors and I rode bikes to school each day with my sister. We didn't watch tv, .... probably the worst thing we had was listening to the Bee Gee's and having Shawn Cassidy posters hung up in our room... (which is why I laugh every time I see Cat's little "Justine Beiber" poster Lisa got her taped up on her closet door!)

Each night at bedtime, Cat and I say our prayers and when we talk about this or that... she makes me smile.. We recently agreed that we both LOVE the song Amazing Grace but had to admit that we didn't really know the words.. so we decided to learn a little each night. it's been so sweet to read the lyrics, turn off the light - sing a verse and see how much we remember. We've almost got the whole thing down. It's a precious time... and I'm loving every minute of it.

Heading to CAMP!!

Off to Camp! Catherine is heading back to Nashville for Year 2 at Camp Nakanawa and Christopher has courageously asked to stay for 3. Trunks are packed and shipped, labels ironed on to clothes, new batteries in flashlights - envelopes stamped with addresses... "I'm hopeful for even 1 return letter!!" I love, love, love sending them to camp and I love sending them far away. They are both flying on a plane back alone, they are traveling to states to meet kids from all over the country. They are learning very early to be adventurous, that home will always be here, that you take Mommy and Daddy's love with you -- it's in your heart and that God is with you wherever you go! They have learned to canoe and row and ride horses and shoot a bow and arrow... and they both love their tribal rituals. AMAZONS and IROQUOIS forever!! They learned new songs and went on great camping outings up high in the blue ridge mountains. I will never forget when Cat came home after year 1 and announced that she tried a new food and loved it... "Tacos!" it was hilarious. My poor child had never had a taco! so now we have Taco night often! Christopher loved riflery and archery and paintball and this year he's adding fly-fishing and camping and rocketry.

We love Camp... we thank God for the opportunity to go to camp and we Pray that they are protected, encouraged and grow while they are gone and that they let God's light shine in them.

and maybe Jon and I can have a little camp trip of our own with all of this free time! ... although we will get an upgraded cabin-- one with a spa and room service!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

19 Years and counting

Happy Anniversary to us! 19 years! Wow! I feel really old1 I can't believe that 19 years ago at Holy Cross in Lafayette, we walked down the aisle together. My first love of my life, the ONLY love of my life! The 10 months leading to our wedding were amazing - so typical of the way I like things... every detail packed with meaning and a personal element... I picked out my pattern for my dress and Mrs. Linda put it together for me, Ms. Faye sewed the bridesmaids gowns- emerald green with broad white collars, we had my bachelorette party in New Orleans with Mark driving the suburban, Aunt Kim hosted my bridesmaides luncheon and Aunt Martha hosted my shower, Ann and Joe hosted the Rehearsal dinner with rounds and rounds of toasting - I got dressed as Sues (the barn),  I wore my mom's earings on my wedding day, with Lisa as my Maid of Honor - Catherine, Lauren and Nick as the flower girls and ring bearer and Uncle Gary, Paula and Catherine as readers, Heather, Holly, Sue, Jenn, Rhonda and Melissa as bridesmaids and Michael singing Ave Maria! Ms Peg was like a Fairy Godmother flying in from Chicago to transform the Church and reception to a magical beautiful event. At the reception, we had our parents dance to Anne Murray- "Can I have this dance" and to Elvis Presley - "Take my Hand" the wedding party danced to "If You need a friend" by James Taylor and Jon and I danced to "One Friend". and I wore a cute little going away suit in a size 6... haven't worn that size again for 20 years!!

It's been a journey! a move to Houston, law school, then moving across 5 states and back home to Houston, buying and selling houses and of course-- the best part - having our 2 babies. In our wedding video, I am smiling ear to ear. I could hardly contain my excitement to be standing before God making a commitment to the man I love for the rest of our life. Since that day, we've had many trials and alot of life going on!! but we have grown together and God has been doing great things in our life and through our marriage.

We were 23 when we got married... it seems so young looking back on it. We were 19 when we started dating -so technically, Jon and I have now been together for more than 1/2 my life! that's pretty cool!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Ya-Ya's

Ten years ago ~ Catherine was only 8 months old and I was in California when we took the 1st official Ya-Ya trip. It seems like so long ago. I honestly don't even remember how it really came together. I know that Sue came out to CA for a ski trip and when we hugged good-bye we said we needed to make a comittment to see each other at least once a year -- the trip began that next summer.  Sue, Jenn, Char, and Jayme and I met in Gulf Shores with Christopher, Reed, Rachel, Camille, Alex and Jayme's boys for our 1st trip. We were all 32 with Sue having a lead on the parenting and Char just starting out with Baby Brianna. We  had a great time re-connecting and hanging out on the beach -  but decided we would do the trip the next year without kids. So - we began the tradition. 1x a year, we would meet for 3-5 days in Gulf Shores to recant all of the funny or not-so-funny stories, to laugh, cry, console, encourage one another.. the group has changed members ...Nicole joined in year 3 and hasn't missed since.. Kim has joined many times, Lucy came after our 20 year reunion and Melissa came for 1 trip. We all turned 40 together 2 years ago and it was truly one of our best ever trips. I think what keeps us so connected is that we all knew each other when we were young and had our whole future ahead and now here we are in our future and we are sharing it together. God has had a hand in this little trip for many years as we have grown in our faith through the blessings and trials of life. It's a reflection point ~ each year as we get ready for another trip... we look back to see how the year has gone--- I can honestly say that when the trips started more than 10 years ago I could NEVER have predicted how our lives would all evolve in such a short period of time. One thing is for sure - it's hard to keep 5-7 women connected across several states with very busy lives.... but we've managed to do it year after year. I pray that God will continue to bless all of my dear Ya-Ya's and our time together regardless of our life circumstances!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The days are long, but the years are flying by!

Well - we are 6 weeks away from the end of another school year. Next year Catherine will move on to 5th grade and Christopher to 8th. It hardly seems possible that my "babies" are in middle school and junior high. How many times have I been told - "you blink and it races by". It's true!!

 Last night, Catherine had her full barbie world set up by the pool. Christopher had his race cars and various toy lizards and frogs diving off of a ramp into the hot tub.  I love this place and time that we are in right now. It's simple, it's uncomplicated. They love being together and they love being at home. Friday - when Catherine came bouncing in from school she raced upstairs to get all of the American girls set up because her neighborhood friends were coming over to "play school." I love that! The strongest memories of my childhood are between 4th and 6th grade. Lisa, Louise, Elizabeth and I were either making pine needle houses in the yard, setting up a roller skating school on the driveway or getting ready for another Monopoly marathon.

I constantly stop and remind myself that when Catherine is all grown up in her 40's like me-- these days -- right now are the days she will remember! When Christopher is a dad - he will be telling his kids... "I remember when all I did all day was build legos!"

so..... when the days are long -- and they are! I need to remember that the years are flying by!! and cherish every moment.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What makes a house a home?

This is our 7th house we've lived in over our 19 years of marriage. I just laugh when I think about this journey we've had with our many houses starting with the 1st one in B'ville! which was actually a rental. Thank God for Gramma Ann and Miss Peg who shipped boxes of decorations to us and then showed up for 3 days of whirlwind transformation. They were like Fairy Godmothers magically appearing to turn our cold, dreary 2 story raised ranch into a cozy, comfortable home. We had very little furniture-  a butcher block table from Gramma and Grandad Joe - a bedroom set from PaPa Russo, a Waverly print couch we bought when we got married. We unpacked many boxes including those shipped by bus to reveal pieces that became a beautiful green armoire. That armoire was our primary piece of furniture in our family room. It took on many different lives in our next houses... it became a living room piece in our 3rd home in New Hampshire and then a tv chest for our Master BR in California, to the basement in St. Louis, to the guest room in The Woodlands and now sits charmingly in Catherine's sweet pink and yellow room.

as I try yet again to transform this new house into a "home", I think about the green armoire. The green armoire has history, it has a story and when we see it ~ it brings us back to many many memories and fills the space in a way that an ordinary new piece of furniture can't do. What makes a house a home is making it a place that has unique and special meaning for our family. Our front hallway has a canvass picture of Christopher and Catherine at 3 and 6 and every time I see it I smile. I think about how Catherine cried and Christopher was so sweet and tried to make his baby sister smile for the pictures. I think of how we were running late and Lisa gave me a crystal barrette at the last minute for Catherine's hair and how beautiful the Strausburg dress we borrowed from Jenn looks on our baby girl. Our dining room has "The famous Armoire" ~ that I bought with Miss Peg in Chicago when we lived in St. Louis. In the hallway are 2 very special pictures that my mom and dad received from my Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw when they were married and I got them when I was married. There is a beautiful maple hope chest in Cat's room from Grandma K, and a maple table converted to a desk in our guest bedroom that was Grandma File's kitchen table, many treasured gifts -the "Cafe Kasparek" canvas - from Mark and Shawn,  a wooden bowl on the kitchen table- from Jennifer, our china hutch filled with crystal from years at Anheuser-Busch... my kitchen desk with flower pots painted by Christopher and Catherine each in Kindergarten... and on and on!

so my house may not ever be finished... there will probably always be a "wish list" .... but this I know... there is history in the "things" that fill this home, there is great joy in the memories remembered with the many collected items throughout our home, and making a house a home is just as much about what we do while we're here than what we fill it with! Because it really is true that "home is where the heart is!!" and my heart is here with my family!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Two very different children

Jon and I are so very different in many ways and completely alike in other areas ~ and our kids are completely the same. I was thinking about this today after a typical Saturday at home. Jon left the house early for a round of golf. It didn't bother him one bit to get up at the crack of dawn (6:00 am) to get ready to get out on the course. (yuck! dreadful) I was fast asleep until 8:30 when Cat came to "snuggle" with me in my bed. I love sleep! and I hate getting up early for anything!!  I had a ton of little house projects to get done and by 10 am I had started the laundry, made breakfast for everyone, cleaned the kitchen, had my coffee - visited with Heather on the phone, organized 2 drawers in the laundry room and made a long "to-do" list for the day. and nothing made me happier than having my music on throughout the house, plugging away at my day and getting things done.

Our little mirror images had the same kind of day. Catherine scurried upstairs after breakfast to get herself dressed, fixed her hair, came down and picked up her Friday night palette she had made with about 10 blankets and pillows, and went upstairs to clean her room. Then she played on the driveway for awhile - singing to herself, jumping rope, hula-hooping, sidewalk chalk ... and on and on. (i've had no greater joy than many many moments of watching her "on the driveway" since she was about 4 years old.. entertaining herself!) She had to do her school reading - so she came in - brought all her babies downstairs to read to them and then set off on her bike to play with friends (constant motion.... ). Where was Christopher all this time? - in his pajamas - completely relaxed - watching some Egyptian movie and then headed to the Lego room for building. It never occurred to him to "be bored" or move from one activity to the next or be restless and ask "what are we doing today?" He was content.

It really made me think and remind myself. We are all different! What motivates me and makes me happy - is completely different for other people. If I have free time - I can't wait to work on my scrapbooks, read cookbooks, watch cooking shows, read one of my many bedside reading books (usually parenting related! or bible study) The idea of just sitting still and "relaxing" for hours - gives me anxiety. I feel like I am "wasting" time! Yet, Christopher teaches me that there is true peace in being focused and content with what's in front of you.

We have to look no further than our own family to learn all we need to learn about ourselves!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Texas Snow Day" at home

okay so we had work and school cancelled today for weather conditions. There didn't actually end up being any SNOW... but it was really cold outside. So we decided we would stay in our pj's all day, light the fire and have a relaxing day. Cat got set up with all the dolls and stuffed animals and pillows and blankets... (quite a production!) and Christopher retreated to the Lego Room for hours! I made a big pot of chili and Jon worked in the office organizing files (the least exciting activity of the day!). I wouldn't want to have cold weather all the time.. but it was nice to take advantage of it inside today!

At Home Spa Day!

What could be better than an "At Home Spa Day" with Catherine. We set up our pedicure station complete with our foot spa tub (thanks MawMaw!) and all of our nail polish selections and tools. We had our comfy robes and slippers set out, background music, dimmed lighting with candles lit. Of course with Catherine - Spa Day wouldn't be nearly as much fun if we didn't put on the full act. We hang our Spa Sign on my bathroom door and one of us is the customer and the other the owner. My treatment tonight included a full pedicure with polish and foot and leg massage, a hand and arm massage with lotion, a neck massage, a full hair brushing with a hair styling included, and a face lotion application. While the treatment was taking place, I was presented with my favorite magazine and refreshments! Seriously - what could be more FUN!!

Memory Making Madness

Saturday, January 29, 2011

About 3 years ago, my dear friend Sally introduced me to the world of Scrapbooking! She invited me to a weekend Crop. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up. Scrapbooking is serious business. I was immediately hooked in by the endless choices of patterned papers and stickers and embelishments... but more than anything - I was drawn to the idea of "capturing memories". The women I've met in the "scrapping world" are devoted to their families.. to building something of value - day by day. I've been at it now for 3 years and honestly - it's a slow process when you first get started and expensive!! and for me- I am truly addicted to the beautiful papers and tools and accessories. In the beginning, I spent several weekends just getting my backlog years of digital and non-digital photos organized. But, now I am finally caught up and I have begun the process of building 2 books - one for Christopher and one for Catherine. My favorite part of the process is the journaling. With every page layout - you can add you own memory of that picture. I started Catherine's book with her first "school days" - PreK 3 at age 3 & 4. Just sifting through the photos and coordinating each page is such a joyful experience because you re-live each memory everytime you see the photos.
So today, I went to a Quarterly -ALL Day Crop at our church called Memory Making Madness. I got there at 8am, along with about 100 other women, with totes and scrapbooking equiptment and laptops and all of my scrapping materials and picked a spot to work. I worked on my books until 8 pm and loved every minute of it. It's a day filled with fun as you sit with friends sharing ideas about pics, sharing stories about your family and knowing that what you are putting together will be cherished by your family for years to come.
Thanks for getting me hooked in Sally! I'm loving it!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A simple life- my kid's point of view

Tonight reminded me of how wonderfully simple kids can see the world and oh how I wish I could be reminded of that when life gets overwhelmingly complex and busy! It was an overcast day and after church Catherine was already making plans for a cozy afternoon at home. She had it all planned out - comfy clothes (pj's and robes and slippers), converting the couch with pillows and blankets, lots of snacks - popcorn and pretzels and fruit and settling in to watch our American Idol recordings to "vote" on the contestants. One of the singers had a very moving story that brought us all to tears. We were curled up on the couch, with tears in our eyes and I was loving every minute of it. Then tonight at bedtime, I got Christopher all settled in his bed. He fed his new pet frogs and we had a very engaging conversation about how he wanted to ask God after he went to heaven if he could come back as a frog and if he couldn't be a frog, he wanted to be an eagle or an owl .. an owl because they make that cute little "whoo" sound and can turn their whole head around! We sat there for a long time discussing this when he said- Mommy, I like it when you sit here with me and talk with me and I agreed that I liked it too!

My kids are so good at reminding me to slow down and enjoy the here and now! I can't always have cozy couch days .. but I sure will enjoy them every chance I get.

13!! We Officially have a Teenager!! Happy Birthday my precious son!

Thirteen years ago, in a hospital room in Columbus, OH - with snow on the ground and 2 weeks past his due date - Christopher Lewis arrived at 8'11 lbs, 21 inches. After 28 long, exhausting, emotional hours of labor - our beautiful baby was finally here. I was completely overtaken with tears the moment I saw him. He was absolutely PERFECT! God is really amazing and this little boy is our sweet miracle. All my life I dreamed of being a mother ~ and for 9 long months, I dreamed of what this sweet baby would look like, what our life would be like with him and what the future would hold for him. I could never have imagined the love I would feel for my sweet son. He was an adorable, happy baby... who smiled all the time! He walked at 10 months and ran days after he walked. He was busy! He loved music immediately ... and still does today. He loved singing and dancing and books and Barney & Elmo and building and being outside. I smiled and cried tears of joy when I met him and I've been smiling and crying tears of joy for 13 years now. Before I was ready and almost overnight, my sweet boy is quickly becoming a young man. He's sprouted up this past year to 5'9 and a size 10.5 shoe. His voice is deeper and all the regular signs of puberty of kicked in. Christopher is gifted with creativity and loves to draw and read and writes amazingly thoughtful, sensitive narratives. He is a sweet, loving big brother to Catherine. While so much is changing - some things remain the same. Christopher still loves music - Rascall Flatts is his favorite band, at 2 he loved legos and frogs and he now has miniature frogs for pets and has his own "lego room" for building.

Christopher - my wonderful, loving, special son - we thank God for you every day. We praise God that you have such a loving heart and such a gentle spirit. Our prayer for you is that you continue to discover your God-given talents and always know who you are in Christ! I cherish every day with you and can't wait to see what this next chapter in your life will reveal. We pray for God's protection over you each and every day and praise Him for sending you to us! We love you  sweet boy. Happy Birthday!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome 2011! & A Lookback at Memories from 2010!

Catherine-1st day -4th grade

Christopher - teaching Cat to
play trumpet
Welcome 2011! Every year, as we start fresh and look forward - I can't help but look back first! It always amazes me how much the year brought with it that was unexpected and reminds me how much can happen in the year that awaits. 2010 was no different for our family. In January, we moved into our new house. It was bittersweet for us as we were so thrilled to finally be getting settled and out of our temporary apartment, but a final reminder that we were saying good-bye to our 1st house in the Woodlands where we had so many wonderful memories. Catherine was only in pre-k when we moved in the old house and Christopher was starting 1st grade.
In the new house - we were beginning a new chapter to finish out 3rd and 6th grade. I got settled into the new job at SWN and Jon was busier than ever carpooling the kids to 2 different schools and all the after-school activities. He and Christopher were busy with Scouts and B2 and Outer Limits, & Quest on Sunday nights. Cat had Flips gymnastics.  We welcomed little Baby Lucy Paige in March and had another great ski trip in April. We swam with the Hurricanes swim team for the 1st time and had a blast. Both Chris & Cat got reading glasses. We left Galatas and Mitchell in May and then had a very busy summer. Catherine went for her 2nd year at Camp Nakanawa- this year all by herself on the plane. Christopher went with Dad to North Carolina and then stayed at Camp Timberlake for 2 awesome weeks. I went on my 10th Ya-Ya trip to the Beach and every year we say it was the best one! Both kids went for 1 week of Camp MawMaw in Lafayette and then we all went for our best ever summer trip to CO with Gramma and Grandad Joe where we went whitewater rafting, horseback riding and golf for Catherine. We started 2 new schools in August (Coulson Tough-4th and McCullough -7th). Cat kept very busy with golf, soccer and the Woodlands Civic Ballet. Christopher took up trumpet in the school band, discovered that he loved drawing and reading! Jon took on the WJGA Coordinator role and before we new it the Fall was gone and we were finishing our first year in the new house. God blessed our family throughout 2010. We were healthy and happy and growing as a family. Who knows what He has in store for us in 2011! We pray for wisdom, protection and mercy as we enter the new year!
 banana chocolate chip muffins
Christopher- Tim Hawkins Concert
Chris- drawing in CO - looking at the mountains
Christopher-First day 7th grade
Catherine and her American Girls!
(and Rosie & Ruthie)