Sunday, June 19, 2011

19 Years and counting

Happy Anniversary to us! 19 years! Wow! I feel really old1 I can't believe that 19 years ago at Holy Cross in Lafayette, we walked down the aisle together. My first love of my life, the ONLY love of my life! The 10 months leading to our wedding were amazing - so typical of the way I like things... every detail packed with meaning and a personal element... I picked out my pattern for my dress and Mrs. Linda put it together for me, Ms. Faye sewed the bridesmaids gowns- emerald green with broad white collars, we had my bachelorette party in New Orleans with Mark driving the suburban, Aunt Kim hosted my bridesmaides luncheon and Aunt Martha hosted my shower, Ann and Joe hosted the Rehearsal dinner with rounds and rounds of toasting - I got dressed as Sues (the barn),  I wore my mom's earings on my wedding day, with Lisa as my Maid of Honor - Catherine, Lauren and Nick as the flower girls and ring bearer and Uncle Gary, Paula and Catherine as readers, Heather, Holly, Sue, Jenn, Rhonda and Melissa as bridesmaids and Michael singing Ave Maria! Ms Peg was like a Fairy Godmother flying in from Chicago to transform the Church and reception to a magical beautiful event. At the reception, we had our parents dance to Anne Murray- "Can I have this dance" and to Elvis Presley - "Take my Hand" the wedding party danced to "If You need a friend" by James Taylor and Jon and I danced to "One Friend". and I wore a cute little going away suit in a size 6... haven't worn that size again for 20 years!!

It's been a journey! a move to Houston, law school, then moving across 5 states and back home to Houston, buying and selling houses and of course-- the best part - having our 2 babies. In our wedding video, I am smiling ear to ear. I could hardly contain my excitement to be standing before God making a commitment to the man I love for the rest of our life. Since that day, we've had many trials and alot of life going on!! but we have grown together and God has been doing great things in our life and through our marriage.

We were 23 when we got married... it seems so young looking back on it. We were 19 when we started dating -so technically, Jon and I have now been together for more than 1/2 my life! that's pretty cool!

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