Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Ya-Ya's

Ten years ago ~ Catherine was only 8 months old and I was in California when we took the 1st official Ya-Ya trip. It seems like so long ago. I honestly don't even remember how it really came together. I know that Sue came out to CA for a ski trip and when we hugged good-bye we said we needed to make a comittment to see each other at least once a year -- the trip began that next summer.  Sue, Jenn, Char, and Jayme and I met in Gulf Shores with Christopher, Reed, Rachel, Camille, Alex and Jayme's boys for our 1st trip. We were all 32 with Sue having a lead on the parenting and Char just starting out with Baby Brianna. We  had a great time re-connecting and hanging out on the beach -  but decided we would do the trip the next year without kids. So - we began the tradition. 1x a year, we would meet for 3-5 days in Gulf Shores to recant all of the funny or not-so-funny stories, to laugh, cry, console, encourage one another.. the group has changed members ...Nicole joined in year 3 and hasn't missed since.. Kim has joined many times, Lucy came after our 20 year reunion and Melissa came for 1 trip. We all turned 40 together 2 years ago and it was truly one of our best ever trips. I think what keeps us so connected is that we all knew each other when we were young and had our whole future ahead and now here we are in our future and we are sharing it together. God has had a hand in this little trip for many years as we have grown in our faith through the blessings and trials of life. It's a reflection point ~ each year as we get ready for another trip... we look back to see how the year has gone--- I can honestly say that when the trips started more than 10 years ago I could NEVER have predicted how our lives would all evolve in such a short period of time. One thing is for sure - it's hard to keep 5-7 women connected across several states with very busy lives.... but we've managed to do it year after year. I pray that God will continue to bless all of my dear Ya-Ya's and our time together regardless of our life circumstances!!

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