Friday, October 28, 2011

Why Blog?

Lisa... I hope you are reading this!!! You asked me "who are your writing to?" and why are you writing? So, I thought about it.. why blog? it's such an easy way to get your thoughts down in writing and what I've realized is that you really won't remember exactly how you felt at the time you are experiencing things in your life. Of course you have memories.. you have stories.. but what fades away is the emotion, the timing of it all during that window in your life. Thoughts and memories become more important when we capture them and share them. I have journals from when I was very young - starting at 12... I journaled when I was first married and I journaled when I had Christopher and Catherine.. when I read some of the writing- I can hardly believe it was me. It immediately takes me back in time. It's amazing how much we grow and then how much we stay the same. Catherine and I have started a journal where I write to her and then she writes back to me. I get completely different thoughts from her when she writes to me. Somehow, the writing is more honest and more complete.

I know that years from now, I will look back at these blog entries and laugh and cry and wish I could go back in time. These are the years I never want to leave ... and I know that they will go by much too quickly.