Sunday, January 30, 2011

A simple life- my kid's point of view

Tonight reminded me of how wonderfully simple kids can see the world and oh how I wish I could be reminded of that when life gets overwhelmingly complex and busy! It was an overcast day and after church Catherine was already making plans for a cozy afternoon at home. She had it all planned out - comfy clothes (pj's and robes and slippers), converting the couch with pillows and blankets, lots of snacks - popcorn and pretzels and fruit and settling in to watch our American Idol recordings to "vote" on the contestants. One of the singers had a very moving story that brought us all to tears. We were curled up on the couch, with tears in our eyes and I was loving every minute of it. Then tonight at bedtime, I got Christopher all settled in his bed. He fed his new pet frogs and we had a very engaging conversation about how he wanted to ask God after he went to heaven if he could come back as a frog and if he couldn't be a frog, he wanted to be an eagle or an owl .. an owl because they make that cute little "whoo" sound and can turn their whole head around! We sat there for a long time discussing this when he said- Mommy, I like it when you sit here with me and talk with me and I agreed that I liked it too!

My kids are so good at reminding me to slow down and enjoy the here and now! I can't always have cozy couch days .. but I sure will enjoy them every chance I get.

13!! We Officially have a Teenager!! Happy Birthday my precious son!

Thirteen years ago, in a hospital room in Columbus, OH - with snow on the ground and 2 weeks past his due date - Christopher Lewis arrived at 8'11 lbs, 21 inches. After 28 long, exhausting, emotional hours of labor - our beautiful baby was finally here. I was completely overtaken with tears the moment I saw him. He was absolutely PERFECT! God is really amazing and this little boy is our sweet miracle. All my life I dreamed of being a mother ~ and for 9 long months, I dreamed of what this sweet baby would look like, what our life would be like with him and what the future would hold for him. I could never have imagined the love I would feel for my sweet son. He was an adorable, happy baby... who smiled all the time! He walked at 10 months and ran days after he walked. He was busy! He loved music immediately ... and still does today. He loved singing and dancing and books and Barney & Elmo and building and being outside. I smiled and cried tears of joy when I met him and I've been smiling and crying tears of joy for 13 years now. Before I was ready and almost overnight, my sweet boy is quickly becoming a young man. He's sprouted up this past year to 5'9 and a size 10.5 shoe. His voice is deeper and all the regular signs of puberty of kicked in. Christopher is gifted with creativity and loves to draw and read and writes amazingly thoughtful, sensitive narratives. He is a sweet, loving big brother to Catherine. While so much is changing - some things remain the same. Christopher still loves music - Rascall Flatts is his favorite band, at 2 he loved legos and frogs and he now has miniature frogs for pets and has his own "lego room" for building.

Christopher - my wonderful, loving, special son - we thank God for you every day. We praise God that you have such a loving heart and such a gentle spirit. Our prayer for you is that you continue to discover your God-given talents and always know who you are in Christ! I cherish every day with you and can't wait to see what this next chapter in your life will reveal. We pray for God's protection over you each and every day and praise Him for sending you to us! We love you  sweet boy. Happy Birthday!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome 2011! & A Lookback at Memories from 2010!

Catherine-1st day -4th grade

Christopher - teaching Cat to
play trumpet
Welcome 2011! Every year, as we start fresh and look forward - I can't help but look back first! It always amazes me how much the year brought with it that was unexpected and reminds me how much can happen in the year that awaits. 2010 was no different for our family. In January, we moved into our new house. It was bittersweet for us as we were so thrilled to finally be getting settled and out of our temporary apartment, but a final reminder that we were saying good-bye to our 1st house in the Woodlands where we had so many wonderful memories. Catherine was only in pre-k when we moved in the old house and Christopher was starting 1st grade.
In the new house - we were beginning a new chapter to finish out 3rd and 6th grade. I got settled into the new job at SWN and Jon was busier than ever carpooling the kids to 2 different schools and all the after-school activities. He and Christopher were busy with Scouts and B2 and Outer Limits, & Quest on Sunday nights. Cat had Flips gymnastics.  We welcomed little Baby Lucy Paige in March and had another great ski trip in April. We swam with the Hurricanes swim team for the 1st time and had a blast. Both Chris & Cat got reading glasses. We left Galatas and Mitchell in May and then had a very busy summer. Catherine went for her 2nd year at Camp Nakanawa- this year all by herself on the plane. Christopher went with Dad to North Carolina and then stayed at Camp Timberlake for 2 awesome weeks. I went on my 10th Ya-Ya trip to the Beach and every year we say it was the best one! Both kids went for 1 week of Camp MawMaw in Lafayette and then we all went for our best ever summer trip to CO with Gramma and Grandad Joe where we went whitewater rafting, horseback riding and golf for Catherine. We started 2 new schools in August (Coulson Tough-4th and McCullough -7th). Cat kept very busy with golf, soccer and the Woodlands Civic Ballet. Christopher took up trumpet in the school band, discovered that he loved drawing and reading! Jon took on the WJGA Coordinator role and before we new it the Fall was gone and we were finishing our first year in the new house. God blessed our family throughout 2010. We were healthy and happy and growing as a family. Who knows what He has in store for us in 2011! We pray for wisdom, protection and mercy as we enter the new year!
 banana chocolate chip muffins
Christopher- Tim Hawkins Concert
Chris- drawing in CO - looking at the mountains
Christopher-First day 7th grade
Catherine and her American Girls!
(and Rosie & Ruthie)