Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Russo Weekend in New Orleans

What a great Christmas treat to have a weekend in New Orleans with my entire family. There is never a shortage of fun when we are all together! Love my big family with all the entertainment that comes with it!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Simple pleasures!

At the park with Cat and overcome with memories. My precocious little girl all grown up but not too old to freely enjoy the simple pleasures of sliding, swinging and monkey bars. It started in CA .. With stroller rides to the neighborhood park playing in the sand box and running in the open grass. Then in St. Louis trying to keep up with Big brother Chris on the backyard swing set.
I will never forget HOURS of trying to teach both Chris and Cat how to swing. "Back and forth.. You can do it! That's it- you're swinging!!"
On our bike ride today to the park - we stopped to look at the leaves changing- a beautiful butterfly, a family of turtles sitting on a log getting in the pond. We noticed the cool air and the just right clouds covering the sun. In these moments everything in the world is perfect!
I pray that she always has this place in her heart and soul to be free and enjoy simple pleasures.