Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Missing Cat Already... day 3!

Missing Catherine!

Already Missing Catherine.... and she's only been gone since Monday. Makes me realize how bright her light is around our house! I never know when she is going to surprise me with a tutu on or one of her colorful wigs or some other costume she's concocted for the day! It's awfully quiet without her galavanting around moving from one activity to the next. Sweet girl.. praying for a wonderful time at camp!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Off to Camp!!

Year 4- off to Camp Nakanawa! This time for a month!! It seems like so long ago that Cat was 8 yrs old and heading into 4th grade going to camp for the 1st time.  Praying God will use this time to continue growing her confidence, her independence and her courage to try new things. We love you sweet girl!!!