Sunday, April 17, 2011

The days are long, but the years are flying by!

Well - we are 6 weeks away from the end of another school year. Next year Catherine will move on to 5th grade and Christopher to 8th. It hardly seems possible that my "babies" are in middle school and junior high. How many times have I been told - "you blink and it races by". It's true!!

 Last night, Catherine had her full barbie world set up by the pool. Christopher had his race cars and various toy lizards and frogs diving off of a ramp into the hot tub.  I love this place and time that we are in right now. It's simple, it's uncomplicated. They love being together and they love being at home. Friday - when Catherine came bouncing in from school she raced upstairs to get all of the American girls set up because her neighborhood friends were coming over to "play school." I love that! The strongest memories of my childhood are between 4th and 6th grade. Lisa, Louise, Elizabeth and I were either making pine needle houses in the yard, setting up a roller skating school on the driveway or getting ready for another Monopoly marathon.

I constantly stop and remind myself that when Catherine is all grown up in her 40's like me-- these days -- right now are the days she will remember! When Christopher is a dad - he will be telling his kids... "I remember when all I did all day was build legos!"

so..... when the days are long -- and they are! I need to remember that the years are flying by!! and cherish every moment.