Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Soccer

Catherine had another great game this morning. It was one of those days that couldn't be more perfect. The weather was perfect and "The Lightning Strikers" were ready to defend their undeafeated record. They knew it would be a battle because they were up against another undefeated team. It was a great game... and we ended with a victory 4-2! Catherine played hard and came very close to a goal right at the end!

Catherine (#34) on the Lightning Strikers... making a shot on the goal! Her 1st year of Soccer is off to a great start. The team is undeafeated and today with 76 degree weather and a 9:15 game the team was ready to go! It was a great game and Catherine played hard the entire game!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

WJGA - Woodlands Junior Golf Association

Catherine loved the WJGA this summer and made great progress. She moved up from being a 2 hole player to a 3 hole player. She won 1st place in the WJGA Club Championship in her 3 hole category and she unexpectedly received the award for Best Sportmanship! We are so proud of her tenacity and it is so much fun to her having fun with a new sport!

Recruiting all Family & Friends to become a Follower!!

Hi all! Day 2 of the family blog and I officially have 1 follower! yeah Mom!! Jon is making fun of me for starting the blog... but I am determined! hoping to "recruit" more followers this week!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mommy I love to dance!

Lucy Paige

What a great surprise to have Ben, Jill and precious little Lucy Paige come up to the WL for a visit. She is such a good baby. She is scooting around quickly now, pulling up and just about ready to walk! This girl is strong. She was very patient with Catherine and Christopher holding her. We watched a great game with UT/Tennessee with a crazy ending in the final play of the game and Christopher cheered on the Sooners! Both he and Cat are serious OU & OSU fans now! It's hilarious. We had such beautiful fall weather... red beans & rice and a great visit. Christopher got to show Aunt Jill and Uncle Ben his drawings and play a little trumpet for them and they worked in a few rounds of "I Doubt it". A great day!