Monday, June 20, 2011

Me & My Girl Conference - Vicki Courtney

Last weekend Cat and I went to a Mother/Daughter day with Vickey Courtney. She talked about the road between now "tweens" and  the teenage years and what kinds of challenges the world has in store for us. My prayer is to slow down and not be so busy that I miss the little things and to trust God to guide me and give me the wisdom I need during this next chapter in our life. My sweet girl is growing so fast ~ at 10 - she's almost as tall as me and she's wearing my shoes... but we still have a little window of time before puberty kicks in. She loves to play...all the time...  dress up in my closet with shoes and hats and scarves or up with her babies.. and she'll watch Parent Trap or PollyAnna or Anne of Green Gables all day if I let her. So - of course I want to freeze time and keep my precious girl safe and sweet and curious and playful.

It's such a different time than when I was her age. I grew up in the neighborhood - playing till the street light came on... My parents knew all the neighbors and I rode bikes to school each day with my sister. We didn't watch tv, .... probably the worst thing we had was listening to the Bee Gee's and having Shawn Cassidy posters hung up in our room... (which is why I laugh every time I see Cat's little "Justine Beiber" poster Lisa got her taped up on her closet door!)

Each night at bedtime, Cat and I say our prayers and when we talk about this or that... she makes me smile.. We recently agreed that we both LOVE the song Amazing Grace but had to admit that we didn't really know the words.. so we decided to learn a little each night. it's been so sweet to read the lyrics, turn off the light - sing a verse and see how much we remember. We've almost got the whole thing down. It's a precious time... and I'm loving every minute of it.

Heading to CAMP!!

Off to Camp! Catherine is heading back to Nashville for Year 2 at Camp Nakanawa and Christopher has courageously asked to stay for 3. Trunks are packed and shipped, labels ironed on to clothes, new batteries in flashlights - envelopes stamped with addresses... "I'm hopeful for even 1 return letter!!" I love, love, love sending them to camp and I love sending them far away. They are both flying on a plane back alone, they are traveling to states to meet kids from all over the country. They are learning very early to be adventurous, that home will always be here, that you take Mommy and Daddy's love with you -- it's in your heart and that God is with you wherever you go! They have learned to canoe and row and ride horses and shoot a bow and arrow... and they both love their tribal rituals. AMAZONS and IROQUOIS forever!! They learned new songs and went on great camping outings up high in the blue ridge mountains. I will never forget when Cat came home after year 1 and announced that she tried a new food and loved it... "Tacos!" it was hilarious. My poor child had never had a taco! so now we have Taco night often! Christopher loved riflery and archery and paintball and this year he's adding fly-fishing and camping and rocketry.

We love Camp... we thank God for the opportunity to go to camp and we Pray that they are protected, encouraged and grow while they are gone and that they let God's light shine in them.

and maybe Jon and I can have a little camp trip of our own with all of this free time! ... although we will get an upgraded cabin-- one with a spa and room service!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

19 Years and counting

Happy Anniversary to us! 19 years! Wow! I feel really old1 I can't believe that 19 years ago at Holy Cross in Lafayette, we walked down the aisle together. My first love of my life, the ONLY love of my life! The 10 months leading to our wedding were amazing - so typical of the way I like things... every detail packed with meaning and a personal element... I picked out my pattern for my dress and Mrs. Linda put it together for me, Ms. Faye sewed the bridesmaids gowns- emerald green with broad white collars, we had my bachelorette party in New Orleans with Mark driving the suburban, Aunt Kim hosted my bridesmaides luncheon and Aunt Martha hosted my shower, Ann and Joe hosted the Rehearsal dinner with rounds and rounds of toasting - I got dressed as Sues (the barn),  I wore my mom's earings on my wedding day, with Lisa as my Maid of Honor - Catherine, Lauren and Nick as the flower girls and ring bearer and Uncle Gary, Paula and Catherine as readers, Heather, Holly, Sue, Jenn, Rhonda and Melissa as bridesmaids and Michael singing Ave Maria! Ms Peg was like a Fairy Godmother flying in from Chicago to transform the Church and reception to a magical beautiful event. At the reception, we had our parents dance to Anne Murray- "Can I have this dance" and to Elvis Presley - "Take my Hand" the wedding party danced to "If You need a friend" by James Taylor and Jon and I danced to "One Friend". and I wore a cute little going away suit in a size 6... haven't worn that size again for 20 years!!

It's been a journey! a move to Houston, law school, then moving across 5 states and back home to Houston, buying and selling houses and of course-- the best part - having our 2 babies. In our wedding video, I am smiling ear to ear. I could hardly contain my excitement to be standing before God making a commitment to the man I love for the rest of our life. Since that day, we've had many trials and alot of life going on!! but we have grown together and God has been doing great things in our life and through our marriage.

We were 23 when we got married... it seems so young looking back on it. We were 19 when we started dating -so technically, Jon and I have now been together for more than 1/2 my life! that's pretty cool!