Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Christopher!

Happy Birthday Christopher! I can hardly believe another year has come and gone.. and you are now 14! Not a day goes by we don't thank God for choosing us to be your parents. You are so special in so many ways. You continue to be a sweet, generous big brother to Catherine. You have started taking on more responsibility and with every day you are maturing into the young man God designed. This past year you finished 7th grade and then had a great summer. You flew by yourself to Camp Timberlake for 3 weeks. I was so proud of your courage and sense of adventure. Then, you had another great time at camp Mama and then a week in CO with Gramma and Grandad Joe. Everyone loves you and loves to have time with you.  God is at work in your life and led us to switch you to your new school. You have transitioned without skipping a beat and I'm confident that by this time next year we will see the benefits of the new environment. Tennis is still your main sport and you have now started writing your 1st book. I can't wait to see how you take your creativity and commit it to characters and a story that can develop.

We love you, we are proud of you! You are such a blessing! You remind me to slow down, to be in the moment, to be deliberate and intentional with my words and my attitude and to find joy in simple things!  I pray that this next year will be filled with new adventures for you, that you will continue to grow and learn and that we will not take one day for granted together! Our birthdays allow us to stop and reflect and on your birthday today my sweet son, I look back on 13 years of joy and happiness with you!

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